The Online Teaching Survival Guide

Simple and Practical Pedagogical Tips

A timely update to the best-selling, practical, and comprehensive guide to online teaching

The Online Teaching Survival Guide provides a robust overview of theory-based techniques for teaching online or technology- enhanced courses. It is a practical resource for educators learning to navigate the online teaching sector. This third edition continues the practical approach of earlier editions,  providing a rich resource of simple, research-grounded instructional strategies that work for any online or blended course. 

This new edition is enhanced with new tips on integrating problem-solving strategies, assessment strategies, student independence, collaboration, synchronous strategies, and building metacognitive skills. This book also weaves in the latest research in cognitive processing to support learning outcomes.

New and experienced online teachers alike will appreciate this book’s exploration of essential technologies, course management techniques, social presence, community building, discussion and questioning techniques, assessment, debriefing, and more. With more and more classes being offered online, this book provides a valuable resource for taking your course to the next level.

The Online Teaching Survival Guide: Simple and Practical Pedagogical Tips is available at Wiley, Amazon and Google Play and as a ebook. 

Also look for the book by co-author Rita Marie Conrad and Ana Donaldson, Continuing to Engage the Online Learner

Amazon Rating (★★★★★)
Google Play Rating (★★★)

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The Ten Best Practices for Teaching Online

Ten Best Practices for Teaching Online
 Ten Best Practices for Teaching Online J. V. Boettcher, Ph.D. Designing for Learning 2006 - 2022 Ou...
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99 Tips for Online Learning

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